When the concentration of Na_2CO_3 was low, the Nyquist diagram was composed of a capacitive loop and an inductive loop. 当Na2CO3浓度较低时,交流阻抗谱表现为一个容抗弧和一个感抗弧。
A method applying the generalized Nyquist diagram the accurate application of Nyquist stability criterion of Bode diagram 广义复面曲线的一种应用方法准确运用伯德图中奈奎斯特稳定判据
Finally, the stability critical point criteria are induced in the Nyquist diagram and Nichols plot. 最后,对Nyquist图上和Nichols图上的稳定交点判据进行了归纳。
The design objective of a PID controller is to adjust the slope of Nyquist diagram of the plant at a given frequency and to improve the closed-loop performance. 该文中PID控制器的设计要求是,调整控制对象的Nyquist曲线在给定频率处的斜率,以提高闭环系统性能。
This paper establishes the relationship which maps Nyquist diagram to pulse-response func-tion, by making simulation program and identifying the function figure of the second-order system. This method is of referential value for the study of the practical system function figure. 通过对二阶系统仿真程序的编写以及对函数图形的识别,建立奈魁斯特图与脉冲响应函数之间的对应关系,为研究实际系统的特征函数图形提供参考。
In Nyquist diagram, the disappearance of inductive arc and the emergence of two time constants of Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr alloy are earlier than those of Al-Mg-Mn alloy. Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr合金阻抗谱上感抗弧的消失和两个时间常数的出现比Al-Mg-Mn合金早些。